Russia has the most educated population in the world, outperforming Canada, Japan, Israel, and the USA. It is culturally diverse and hospitable to people from other parts of the world. More than 270,000 people from 168 countries come to study at Russian universities. Russia is a recognized world leader in training mathematicians, physicists, chemists, geologists, engineers, programmers, physicians, and specialists in other natural sciences.
The cost of studying in Russia is very cheap compared to other locations and many Russian universities are implementing joint programs with foreign universities and are issuing dual diplomas to their graduates. In other words, by studying in Russia you can receive a Russian diploma and a diploma from a European university. There are two academic semesters in Russia, the first starts in February and ends in June while the second starts in September and ends in January.
- January/February
- September/October
Foreign students will be able to work without obtaining a permit while studying in Russia. Since 2020, according to the new law, students can work outside the university and in any organization but they have to prove the relevance to the educational program in Russia.
After graduating from the Russian university you need a work visa or work permit to stay and land a job in Russia. The list of required documents for legal stay in Russia after completing university studies is available on the website of the General Administration for Migration Issues of the Interior Ministry of Russia